Marketing and Sales Service Level Agreement Template

Marketing and Sales Service Level Agreement (SLA) Template: A Complete Guide

A service level agreement (SLA) is a contractual agreement between two or more parties that outlines the level of service that will be provided. For marketing and sales teams, a service level agreement can be a powerful tool to ensure both teams are working towards the same goals, driving qualified leads, and boosting revenue.

In this article, we’ll provide you with a complete guide to creating a marketing and sales service level agreement template.

Why Do You Need a Marketing and Sales Service Level Agreement?

Before we dive into the details of creating a marketing and sales service level agreement, let`s look at why it`s important to have such an agreement in place.

1. Alignment

Marketing and sales teams share a common goal: to generate revenue for the business. Often, these two teams have different objectives and metrics for success. A service level agreement will help align both teams on common goals and metrics to measure success collectively.

2. Clear Communication

A service level agreement also ensures clear communication between the marketing and sales teams and facilitates better collaboration. It sets expectations for the quality and quantity of leads generated by the marketing team and how sales will follow up on those leads.

3. Accountability

A service level agreement holds both teams accountable for their responsibilities. The marketing team is responsible for generating quality leads, and the sales team is responsible for converting those leads into customers. A service level agreement ensures that both teams are held accountable to their responsibilities.

4. Performance Tracking

A service level agreement also helps track performance by setting measurable goals and metrics for success. Both teams can track their progress and identify areas for improvement.

Creating a Marketing and Sales Service Level Agreement Template

Now that we’ve established the importance of a service level agreement let`s look at how to create one.

1. Define Goals and Metrics

The first step in creating a service level agreement is to define goals and metrics. Both teams should agree on what constitutes a qualified lead, how many leads are required each month, and how quickly sales should follow up on those leads.

2. Establish Processes

Once goals and metrics are defined, establish processes for the handoff of leads from marketing to sales. The marketing team must clearly indicate which leads are ready to be passed onto the sales team.

3. Set Timeframes

Set timelines for lead follow-up. The sales team must follow up with leads within a specified timeframe, and the marketing team must ensure they`re generating enough qualified leads to meet the sales team`s follow-up requirements.

4. Review and Revise

Once the service level agreement is in place, regularly review its effectiveness and revise it if necessary. Both teams must be open to feedback and willing to make necessary changes.


A marketing and sales service level agreement is an essential tool for businesses to align marketing and sales efforts, improve communication, and increase revenue. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can create a service level agreement that benefits your entire organization. Remember to review and revise your agreement regularly to ensure it remains effective and relevant.