Subject-Verb Agreement Exercises for Class 8 Mcq

Subject-verb agreement is an essential aspect of the English language. It refers to the agreement in number and person between the subject and the verb of a sentence. For class 8 students, mastering subject-verb agreement is crucial to ensure effective communication in both writing and speaking. In this article, we will provide some exercises for class 8 students to practice their subject-verb agreement skills.

Exercise 1: Choose the correct verb form

Directions: Choose the correct verb form that agrees with the subject in each sentence.

1. The girl, together with her friends, (is/are) going to the park later.

2. The students in the class (has/have) different opinions on the subject.

3. Either the cat or the dog (is/are) responsible for knocking over the vase.

4. Many of the apples in the basket (is/are) starting to rot.

5. The committee (has/have) decided to hold a meeting next week.

Exercise 2: Identify the correct subject-verb agreement

Directions: Identify the correct subject-verb agreement in the following sentences.

1. John and Jane (is/are) going to the movies.

2. Each of the students (is/are) responsible for completing their homework on time.

3. One of the boys (has/have) lost his phone.

4. The books in the library (needs/need) to be organized.

5. My sister and I (enjoys/enjoy) playing tennis together.

Exercise 3: Rewrite the sentences with correct subject-verb agreement

Directions: Rewrite the following sentences with the correct subject-verb agreement.

1. The group of friends were having fun at the carnival.

Rewrite: The group of friends was having fun at the carnival.

2. Neither the teacher nor the students was interested in the topic.

Rewrite: Neither the teacher nor the students were interested in the topic.

3. All of the athletes on the team is working hard to improve.

Rewrite: All of the athletes on the team are working hard to improve.

4. The class of students are ready for the next lesson.

Rewrite: The class of students is ready for the next lesson.

5. The committee have made their decision.

Rewrite: The committee has made its decision.

Subject-verb agreement is a fundamental component of the English language. It is crucial for effective communication, both in writing and speaking. The above exercises will help class 8 students to improve their subject-verb agreement skills and become more proficient writers and speakers.